Source: operator/MeanCrossingRate.js

import { BaseLfo } from 'waves-lfo/core';

const parameters = {
  noiseThreshold: {
    type: 'float',
    default: 0.1,
  frameSize: {
    type: 'integer',
    default: 512,
    metas: { kind: 'static' },
  hopSize: { // should be nullable
    type: 'integer',
    default: null,
    nullable: true,
    metas: { kind: 'static' },
  // centeredTimeTags: {
  //   type: 'boolean',
  //   default: false,
  // }

 * Mean Crossing Rate operator : estimates the frequency and periodicity of
 * a (n-dimension) signal, either on an input stream of signal frames, or by
 * using its own sliding window on an input stream of vectors.
 * The mean is estimated on each new analyzed window using the following equation :
 * `mean = min + (max - min) * 0.5;`
 * output: an array of size `2 * inputDimension`
 * (`[ frequency1, periodicity1, ... frequencyN, periodicityN ]`)
 * @memberof operator
 * @deprecated
 * @warning: This operator is considered as unstable and will be modified.
 *  particularly the module will probably be modified to handle only `signal`
 *  inputs. Leveraging the handling of vector frames to the end-user by making
 *  use of `lfo.operator.Select` and `lfo.operator.Slicer`
 * @param {Object} [options] - Override default options.
 * @param {Number} [options.noiseThreshold=0.1] - Threshold added to the mean to
 *  avoid confusion between noise and real signal.
 * @param {Number} [options.frameSize=512] - Size of the internal sliding window.
 *  Will be ignored if input is signal.
 * @param {Number} [options.hopSize=null] - Number of samples between two
 *  computations on the internal sliding window. Will be ignored is input
 *  is signal.

// We don't use centered time tags for signal input, as we don't know if it's
// already been done by a previous slicer.
// So we don't implement it for now.
// would be :
// @param {Boolean} [options.centeredTimeTags=false] - Move the time tag to the
// middle of the frame.

class MeanCrossingRate extends BaseLfo {
  constructor(options = {}) {
    super(parameters, options);

    this._mcrs = [];

  /** @private */
  onParamUpdate(name, value, metas) {
    if (!this.params.hopSize)
      this.params.set('hopSize', frameSize);

    if (this.streamParams.frameType === 'signal')
      this.params.set('frameSize', this.prevStreamParams.frameSize);

  /** @private */
  processStreamParams(prevStreamParams = {}) {

    // TODO : set output samplerate according to input samplerate + hopSize (?)
    this._mcrs = [];

    const noiseThreshold = this.params.get('noiseThreshold');
    const frameSize = (this.streamParams.frameType === 'vector')
                    ? this.params.get('frameSize')
                    : prevStreamParams.frameSize;
    const hopSize = this.params.get('hopSize'); // if input is signal we don't care anyway
    const sampleRate = prevStreamParams.sourceSampleRate;

    const paramsDescription = [ 'frequency', 'periodicity' ];

    let inputDimension = 1;

    if (this.streamParams.frameType === 'vector') {
      inputDimension = prevStreamParams.frameSize;
    } else if (this.streamParams.frameType === 'signal') {
      // if input frames are of type "signal", input dimension is 1
      inputDimension = 1;

    this.streamParams.frameSize = 2 * inputDimension;
    this.streamParams.description = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < inputDimension; i++) {

      this._mcrs.push(new MeanCrossingRateBase({
        noiseThreshold: noiseThreshold,
        frameSize: frameSize,
        hopSize: hopSize,
        sampleRate: sampleRate,


  /** @private */
  processVector(frame) {
    const inData =;
    const outData =;

    for (let i = 0; i < this._mcrs.length; i++) {
      const r = this._mcrs[i].process(inData[i]);
      outData[i * 2] = r.frequency;
      outData[i * 2 + 1] = r.periodicity;

  /** @private */
  processSignal(frame) {
    const inData =;
    const outData =;

    const r = this._mcrs[0].processFrame(inData);
    outData[0] = r.frequency;
    outData[1] = r.periodicity;

export default MeanCrossingRate;

//=============== Base class for mean crossing rate computation ==============//

const mcrBaseDefaults = {
  noiseThreshold: 0.1,
  // only used with internal circular buffer (fed sample(s) by sample(s)),
  // when input type is vector :
  frameSize: 50,
  hopSize: 5,
  sampleRate: null,

class MeanCrossingRateBase {

  constructor(options = {}) {
    Object.assign({}, options, mcrBaseDefaults);

    this.mean = 0;
    this.magnitude = 0;
    this.stdDev = 0;
    this.crossings = [];
    this.periodMean = 0;
    this.periodStdDev = 0;
    this.inputFrame = [];


    //this.maxFreq = this.inputRate / 0.5;

  setConfig(cfg) {
    if (cfg.noiseThreshold) {
      this.noiseThreshold = cfg.noiseThreshold;

    if (cfg.frameSize) {
      this.frameSize = cfg.frameSize;

    if (cfg.hopSize) {
      this.hopSize = cfg.hopSize;

    if (cfg.sampleRate) {
      this.sampleRate = cfg.sampleRate;
      // this.maxFreq = this.sampleRate / 2;

    this.inputBuffer = new Array(this.frameSize);
    for (let i = 0; i < this.frameSize; i++) {
      this.inputBuffer[i] = 0;

    this.hopCounter = 0;
    this.bufferIndex = 0;

    this.results = { amplitude: 0, frequency: 0, periodicity: 0 };

  process(value) {
    // update internal circular buffer
    // then call processFrame(this.inputBuffer) if needed
    this.inputBuffer[this.bufferIndex] = value;
    this.bufferIndex = (this.bufferIndex + 1) % this.frameSize;

    if (this.hopCounter === this.hopSize - 1) {
      this.hopCounter = 0;
      this.processFrame(this.inputBuffer, this.bufferIndex)
    } else {

    return this.results;

  // compute magnitude, zero crossing rate, and periodicity
  processFrame(frame, offset = 0) {
    if (frame.length < 2) {
      return { amplitude: 0, frequency: 0, periodicity: 0 };

    this.inputFrame = frame;


    // TODO: improve this (2.0 is empirical factor because we don't know a priori sensor range)
    this.amplitude = this.stdDev * 2.0;

    /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

    // this one is working with one direction crossings detection version
    this.frequency = this.crossings.length / Math.floor(this.inputFrame.length * 0.5); // normalized by "nyquist ratio"

    // this one is working with two direction crossings detection version
    // this.frequency = this.crossings.length / (this.inputFrame.length - 1); // beware of division by zero

    // if sampleRate is specified, translate normalized frequency to Hertz :
    if (this.sampleRate) {
      this.frequency *= Math.floor(this.sampleRate / 2);

    /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

    if (this.crossings.length > 2) {
      // periodicity is normalized based on input frame size.
      this.periodicity = 1.0 - Math.sqrt(this.periodStdDev / this.inputFrame.length);
    } else {
      this.periodicity = 0;

    this.results.amplitude = this.amplitude;
    this.results.frequency = this.frequency;
    this.results.periodicity = this.periodicity;

    return this.results;

  _mainAlgorithm() {

    // compute min, max, mean and magnitude
    // this.mean = 0;
    // this.magnitude = 0;

    let min, max;
    min = max = this.inputFrame[0];

    for (let i = 0; i < this.inputFrame.length; i++) {
      let val = this.inputFrame[i];

      // this.mean += val;
      // this.magnitude += val * val;

      if (val > max)
        max = val;
      else if (val < min)
        min = val;

    // TODO : more tests to determine which mean (true mean or (max-min)/2) is the best
    //this.mean /= this.inputFrame.length;
    this.mean = min + (max - min) * 0.5;

    // this.magnitude /= this.inputFrame.length;
    // this.magnitude = Math.sqrt(this.magnitude);

    // compute signal stdDev and number of mean-crossings
    // using ascending AND / OR descending mean crossing (see comments)
    this.crossings = [];
    this.upCrossings = [];
    this.downCrossings = [];
    this.stdDev = 0;

    let prevDelta = this.inputFrame[0] - this.mean;

    //for (let i in this.inputFrame) {
    for (let i = 1; i < this.inputFrame.length; i++) {
      let delta = this.inputFrame[i] - this.mean;
      this.stdDev += delta * delta;

      if (prevDelta > this.noiseThreshold && delta < this.noiseThreshold) { // falling
        // this.crossings.push(i);
      } else if (prevDelta < this.noiseThreshold && delta > this.noiseThreshold) { // rising
        // this.crossings.push(i);

      this.crossings = (this.upCrossings.length > this.downCrossings.length)
                     ? this.upCrossings
                     : this.downCrossings;

      prevDelta = delta;

    this.stdDev = Math.sqrt(this.stdDev);

    // compute mean of delta-T between crossings
    this.periodMean = 0;
    for (let i = 1; i < this.crossings.length; i++) {
      this.periodMean += this.crossings[i] - this.crossings[i - 1];

    // if we have a NaN here we don't care as we won't use this.periodMean below
    this.periodMean /= (this.crossings.length - 1);

    // compute stdDev of delta-T between crossings
    this.periodStdDev = 0;

    for (let i = 1; i < this.crossings.length; i++) {
      let deltaP = (this.crossings[i] - this.crossings[i - 1] - this.periodMean)
      this.periodStdDev += deltaP * deltaP;

    if (this.crossings.length > 2) {
      this.periodStdDev = Math.sqrt(this.periodStdDev / (this.crossings.length - 2));